90's hope for Hacid Magazine
Yasmin Ferreras is a Spanish fashion photographer. She decided to explore this type of photography due to the affinity and sensitivity she has for clothing.
Her talent wanders between the subtlety of the textiles and the intrinsic human psychology. Her inspiration is aquired from various sources, from literature to cinema, and through advertising, a career she has also studied.  Her photographs are a summary of visual techniques conditioned by refinement.

Yasmin Ferreras es una fotógrafa de moda española. Decide explorar esta área de trabajo debido a la sensibilidad y afinidad que tiene con la vestimenta.

Su discurso deambula entre la sutileza de los textiles contra los intrínsecos de la psicología humana. Su ojo está nutrido de diversas fuentes, desde la literatura hasta el cine, pasando por la publicidad, carrera que estudió; tiene su mirada un resumen de técnicas visuales condicionadas por el preciosismo.